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Operation validator

Table of contents

  1. Features
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Supported adapters
  5. Supported body content types
  6. Limitations
  7. License


  • Requests and/or responses validation.
  • Collection of requests/responses adapters for your environment (with associated helpers).

This module is on top of both OpenAPI parser and Schema Object validator.

⚠ The Operation validators are lazily created and cached for re-use by RequestValidator object. ⚠

⚠ Manipulating the OpenAPI models is discouraged in conjunction with this module. ⚠


Add the following to your pom.xml :


Release version Snapshot version



// openAPI & operation objects are from openapi4j parser
RequestValidator val = new RequestValidator(openAPI);

// Default usage
val.validate(Request request);
// other usages
val.validate(Request request, Path path, Operation peration);
val.validate(Request request, ValidationData<?> validation); // If you need to get back info/warn content

// With response
val.validate(Response response, Path path, Operation operation);
// ...


OperationValidator val = new OperationValidator(openAPI, operation);
val.validateQuery(Request request, ValidationData<?> validation);
val.validateHeaders(Request request, ValidationData<?> validation);
val.validateBody(Request request, ValidationData<?> validation);
// ...

Requests and responses objects are wrappers from the specific adapter.

// Pseudo code
Request request = [Adapter]Request.of([AdapterRequestObject] rq);
Response response = [Adapter]Response.of([AdapterResponseObject] resp);

// validate with the methods shown above...

Supported adapters

See openapi-operation-adapters to get the list of currently available adapters, needed dependencies and further documentation.

Feel free to contribute to add more adapters and additional features. It should be very straightforward to implement a builder. Look at the code of current adapters as a starter.

Supported body content types

  • JSON (i.e pseudo (application|text)/(json|*+json))
  • Form URL encoded (application/x-www-form-urlencoded)
  • Or whatever if you can provide a JsonNode or Map<String, Object> when building the body wrapper.

Optional additions (add the corresponding dependencies):

Those additions are only mandatory if you can’t provide JsonNode or Map<String, Object> or prefer use the provided additions.

Other content types are considered as a single text node to cover direct file uploads (i.e string/binary or string/base64).


  • Security and functional related aspects (roles/scopes, token/cookie validity, …) are not validated by this module unless specified on each adapter In such case, you MUST refer and fallback to your middleware layer for documentation.

Here’s a list of currently non supported keywords:

  • allowedReserved (maybe forever).
  • allowEmptyValue (will be removed in later version OAS).
  • XML :
    • Note, prefix and namespace are not considered too since namespace information is always removed before processing. Not really an issue, the information is useless.
    • Note, attributes are kept and always converted to direct children JSON properties.


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